Service Interruption Notice

August 1, 2024 - Pedestrian Bridge connecting Lot A & CPH will be closed.

Where is this happening?

Pedestrian bridge over the University Avenue W., connecting Carl Pollock Hall and Lot A.

What is happening?

The pedestrian bridge over University Avenue West, connecting Lot A and Carl Pollock Hall, will be linked to the new residence building. The bridge will be closed for the duration of the construction of the new building. The anticipated re-opening will be September 2026.

When is this happening?

August 1st, 2024

How does this affect the UW community?

The community will not be able to use the bridge to cross over University Avenue W. to access Carl Pollock Hall building or Lot A. Crossing can occur at grade at the University/Seagram intersection or at pedestrian crosswalk near the railway corridor.

Who to contact for more information?

My Hoang

This work must be performed at this time, and cannot be rescheduled.