Service Interruption Notice

Electrical Outage, Wednesday, October 23, Thursday, October 24, 2024, North campus, South campus

Where is this happening?

Across Campus - refer to 'How does this affect the UW community?'.

What is happening?

Electrical Outages for Equipment Commissioning

When is this happening?

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 between 6:00am and 7:00am
Thursday, October 24, 2024 between 6:00am and 7:00am

How does this affect the UW community?

There will be short, temporary outages (>5min) on each of the listed loops as follows. There may be up to three (3) outages per loop, but it is hopeful that only one (1) will be needed. All outages will be completed by 7:00am.

Wednesday, October 23 - All buildings on North Loops 1, 2, and 3 will be affected. This includes the following buildings: C2, DC, MC, GSC, COM, M3, CSB, ERC, BMH, PAC, UC< SLC, HS, and OPT.

Thursday, October 24 - All buildings on North Loops 4 and 5 and South Loops 3 and 4 will be affected. This includes the following buildings: FED, V1, TH, MKV, REV, QNC, TC, SCH, GH, CPH, DWE, E2, E3, LIB, NH, PHY, PHY-Sharc, RCH, and EIT.

Who to contact for more information?

Jared Murphy (

This work must be performed at this time, and cannot be rescheduled.