Service Interruption Notice

Repairs to cooling unit, Monday October 21 (at 12:00pm)- Friday, October 25, 2024 (end of day), QNC

Where is this happening?


What is happening?

Repairs to pump pads and piping that affect process cooling.

When is this happening?

Monday, October 21st at noon-Friday, October 25th (end of the day).

How does this affect the UW community?

This will affect process chilled water to the clean room, Metrology, IQC and Nano labs, equipment process cooling, high temp. chilled water for lab compressed air (CDA), AHU/recirculation units affecting temperature/humidity for the clean room and Metrology.

Who to contact for more information?

Jason Brown
ext. 40582

This work must be performed at this time, and cannot be rescheduled.