Service Interruption Notice

Bridge Closures, Friday, October 25, 2024 - Late 2026/Early 2027, M3, MC, DC

Where is this happening?

Bridge between MC - DC
Bridge Between MC/DC Bridge - M3

What is happening?

Closure and Demolition of:
- Math & Computer to Davis Center 2 Story Bridge
- Math 3 to MC/DC Bridge

When is this happening?

October 25th at 5:00pm

How does this affect the UW community?

Use of the bridges will be closed indefinitely as a part of the Math 4 new construction. New building will replace MC/DC bridge, new building will tie into M3 bridge.
Opening date expected Late 2026 to early 2027

Who to contact for more information?

Tyler MacIntyre -

This work must be performed at this time, and cannot be rescheduled.