Service Interruption Notice

Laurel Trail Closed, Monday, October 28, 2024 for a full day.

Where is this happening?

Work is occurring in area adjacent to the Laurel Trail and New Residence construction site, between University Ave. and Seagram Drive.

What is happening?

CVD Engineering will conduct soil testing near the Region of Waterloo's chain link fence, between the Waterloo Spur Line and the New Residence construction site. The Laurel Trail will be closed for one day on October 28. 2024.

When is this happening?

Oct 28, 2024

How does this affect the UW community?

Laurel Trail between University Ave. and Seagram will be closed for one day, on October 28, 2024. The trail will be blocked off with barriers. There will be signs to redirect trail users.

Who to contact for more information?

My Hoang

This work must be performed at this time, and cannot be rescheduled.